วันอาทิตย์ที่ 24 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction is everywhere, not confined to the slums of the city center, but also among professionals such as lawyers and the like. Every day, thousands across the country are used to combat heroin addiction. Methadone clinics throughout the country to help a lot giving many the opportunity of using this dangerous drug, but many still lack access to such clinics, while others use these clinics but replace their addictionMethadone to a heroin addiction.

Addiction knows no boundaries and can strike anyone, but with proper attention, may be, the dependence beaten.Heroin affects not only the real users, but prefers a family and friends in the struggle.

Drug rehabilitation

The first step in the fight against heroin addiction is to admit to drug addicts who have a problem, then and only then can begin the rehabilitation of emotion. This is work that must godrug rehabilitation professional. It is practically impossible to combat this terrible addiction without professional help.

If you fight an addiction to heroin, you should check himself into a rehabilitation program. It 'very important that you let your financial situation, regardless of what you can hold on it, professional help. There are many rehabilitation clinics that offer programs for those with little or no income, you will find thatstate medical programs often cover this type of treatment.

Depending on the level of heroin addiction, your stay in a rehabilitation program drub will have some thirty to ninety days. E 'common for methadone, a substitute for heroin is administered in doses smaller and smaller, so that your body gradually wean off the drug.

For some, however, under certain medical conditions, you may need to go through a complete detoxification and rapidTo obtain the drug completely from your system. Obviously, every case is different, so there are different schools of thought on which type of detoxification works best, but the fact remains that heroin addiction is a habit destructive, dangerous and sometimes fatal.

And support, both during and after rehabilitation Health Program.

As with any other addiction, even after a rehabilitation program has completed, heroin addiction, a newspaperBattaglia. E 'imperative that your condition of dependency, and make the conscious decision not to give in to addiction. It is much easier to do this, if you have a healthy support system in place as you move through the program and verify before publishing your rehabilitation program. Family and friends are a great comfort, until you are with your addiction before rehabilitation, and there are countless support groups available, such as drugs, asAnonymous, where you can find daily support from people like you.

With the admission that the heroin addiction, has taken the first important step on the road to recovery. Now do what it takes to fight this deadly drug - your family, your friends, and most importantly, that your life will be changed for the better when you overcome this addiction to heroin too.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 22 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Heroin Addiction Treatment

Heroin addiction is an addiction more difficult to treat, so that the search for a quality most important units of addiction.

A recent National Survey on Drug Use & Health (since 2006) showed that 338,000 Americans will be argued that users of heroin. That was an increase of approximately 150% over the last number, which was 136,000. The utilization rate jumped more than double the previous number, 06%, 14%. There were 91,000 users for the first time in 2006, the averageThe age is slightly less than 22 years.

Latest reduce further the investigation, the study reports that 14.4% of adolescents were aged 12-17 supported heroin were fairly or very easily accessible. These statistics, along with a young average age of first time users is a worrying trend. Individuals in this age group are less likely to have the powers to admit or recognize when a dependency is present.

Heroin gives the user feelings of radical change inWaves of ups and downs. The euphoria of heroin is experienced in practice after the injection, traveling directly into the brain. With the continued use of a person develops a greater tolerance of higher doses to achieve the same high. The higher the degree of tolerance as it is difficult for a person to stop, and this without the help of doctors, leading to withdrawal symptoms seemingly unbearable.

Some of these symptoms may include nausea, insomnia, cramps, depression, and physical andmental pain. Due to the extremely addictive nature of heroin is forcing users to take the abuse continued and repeated, in order to recover a dependence that is very difficult.

In addition to direct risks associated with heroin itself, there are other indirect risks. People abusing heroin injections are subject to the spread of diseases such as hepatitis and HIV. Heroin is a very deadly drug, so that many cases of overdose.

While it may be a misunderstanding that the heroinused only by adults, the figures show that the abuse of large numbers of adolescents and young adults, drugs, despite the known hazards.

The only attempt, once in heroin is a very dangerous decision. Parents and children must understand that drugs are illegal to sell or own production, and only in the United States. All the suspicion that the activity of heroin in their community or the whole or sense any signs of addiction in their loved ones havehesitate to ask for help.

Treatment of Heroin Addiction

The process is managed by heroin addiction is very difficult. It is not uncommon for drug users through various programs and subsequent treatment of relapse to connect successfully to walking. Therefore, it is important that people suffering from heroin addiction is a complete system of treatment that both physical and psychological symptoms experienced by heroin focusesWithdrawn.

When the addict or their family, decide on a drug rehabilitation center, they should remember that it should offer a program tailored to their individual situation, this is the most effective way to combat heroin addiction.

The first step to restore the natural detoxification, where doctors administer the drugs are controlled and help avoid a dependency on the drug. Drugs can be used to be dangerous and even their management must be closely monitored by a qualified doctor. This detoxification process can take weeks or months, depending on the degree of dependence.

The next step is still consisting of a combination therapy of serious psychological, physical and behavioral. A long-term residential rehabilitation centers are more effective than months-long programs, with a controlled environment and drug-free and overall arrangements are necessary to recover from heroin> Addiction.

With a large number of heroin users in the country, not a time when schools need more, it is important for the rehabilitation institute providing continuing education opportunities for its residents.

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Methadone addiction is no longer needed treatment for heroin addiction

In 1960, Methadone, once used to relieve pain, which began as a treatment for the growing problem of heroin addiction. At this time it was considered a viable solution - but that was in the days when drug detoxification effective technologies for drug rehabilitation were almost unknown. Today, treatment with methadone is obsolete, and is the creation of dependency on methadone - a dependence even more dangerous than heroin addiction.

Why is methadoneTreatment outdated?

"It 'important to remember that methadone users still physically dependent on drugs - it's terrible withdrawal symptoms if you have not received a dose at the time - and almost always an addict. In fact proved to be more methadone heroin addiction," said Steven Hayes, director of Novus Medical Detox Center, a hospital for detoxification in Florida that the people withdrawing from heroin, methadone and other drugs or to helpAlcohol.

"We now get people from heroin with relative ease," said Hayes. "Another friend, rather than people with a good medical detoxification and rehabilitation then millions of people around the world, we recommend using treatment with methadone. Unfortunately, this treatment is most often the result of methadone addiction .

But is not the methadone addiction and dependence better than heroin addiction?

"Absolutely not," says Hayes. "There are two times more numerous in the context of methadoneDeaths related to heroin deaths annually. Also, because the opioid receptors were stimulated by heroin and methadone is now less sensitive, more methadone users keep asking and get one ever larger doses of methadone. If you try to do them, are suffering. It 'more difficult for the connection of heroin. "

So why addiction methadone is still used as an option for the treatment of heroin addicts?

Many people have said thatthe use of heroin or other opiates, is the ability of his body to produce endorphins - a natural hormone, the body uses pain of having to block the signals from the nervous system to relieve pain and in some cases the increase inhibit the sensation of pleasure. Methadone users were tricked into thinking the body will not be possible without methadone or produce endorphins that will last for months or years before your body starts producing endorphins, the quantity of methadone that adopt need.

However, there is no science to prove this theory endorphins. Although it may take a while 'for an addict to get her body back to normal when you quit heroin, not able to produce endorphins in sufficient quantity is very rare, if ever happens.

In fact, production of endorphins is generally a good heroin detoxification and rehabilitation program are fixed.

However, many heroin addicts that they need methadone, and then only the trade in heroin> Addiction methadone addiction. Did you ever have the opportunity to take the drug rehab or detox, her heroin addiction may be considered first, and now they are saddled with the year of methadone addiction and, in some cases, for life.

What can you do if you are dependent or addicted to methadone?

Even if the victims of methadone clinics may have been I think they need, methadone, in fact, one should be seduced. Fortunately, aSome medical centers for drug addiction are able to make a methadone detoxification, and the man is truly free of drugs and no longer dependent on getting their dose.

If you or someone who was interested in heroin or other opioids or opioid dependence and is part of a methadone treatment program, contact a drug rehab center to see if they could feed their addiction with the goal of methadone methadone detoxification.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 21 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Pot for Addiction Treatment that works

A lot of people to dismiss, the treatment for pot addiction as lightly as they believe that the grass has left its light, why should not it be a chemical substance, such as physical addiction to nicotine on the drug. This is a simplistic view, however, as a pot-addiction is as real as alcoholism, gambling addictions and many more well known as a psychological addiction, where the need is not physical, but an intense desire to want us pushes newBack on what activities or materials, we do not want more. How To Pot Addiction is necessary to understand the addiction treatment pot, only then do marijuana wean and to lead a life with a clear mind and motivation for a better life.


To report a problem, you need to know to overcome the root causes of the problem. If you simply act against the surface problems or symptoms of an addiction that does not treat the underlying problemsThe cause of these symptoms of addiction and the like. To understand, you need to brutally honest with yourself, you have to ask why you started smoking, what keeps you smoking causes, what you want and what (apart from the chemically induced high), taking the drug. Self-analysis, without lying to oneself is of paramount importance for the next step.


If you think you know the "rediscovery" of your addiction, you need a plan to combat this formCauses. Forget to try the symptoms of addiction, not only to try to overcome addiction, for example, to find a solution to the cause of addiction. They have a plan for each need to be counterproductive and why. His state of mind, if you have a plan is much less inclined to fall back on the habits of dependency.


Once you have a countermeasure for your request, you must then try to solve the very cause or causes of your addiction. This may be wildlyfrom person to person, but it is always because of a basis for ensuring that you always have to smoke grass, which must be dealt with and without the solid basis of the previous two points that may never be able to overcome them.

During this treatment for addiction to pot sounds simple, you can cause the structure of a cure that is possible problems and we feel motivated and healthy again!

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วันอังคารที่ 19 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marijuana: misinformation and Poly-behavioral Addiction

Fact or Fiction

1 marijuana is very harmful, highly addictive, dangerous, illegal, drug gateway that is not currently accepted or proven medical use.

Or is it true that:

2 Marijuana is a safe, harmless, non-addictive, drug-sound that has healing properties that should be promoted for our youth to develop and share his thoughts with effects such as cash crops America's top legalized.

Most agree that both statements referred to above are notabsolutely correct. However, if you read most of the latest articles published in Internet discussion about the use of marijuana (where) most of our young people, their information these days, the perpetrators of bias, if not always explicitly, we located in one of two points above directions - either for or against the use of marijuana marijuana. Unfortunately, most of these sometimes well-written article a few scientific evidence to validate theirCredits. We tend to expect these things to professional fanatics and fanatical fans that promote a deep passion for their cause, but it is very disappointing if the information they receive in direct conflict with scientific knowledge of our government officials paid.

For example, the Food and Drug Administration announced in April 2006 that "no sound scientific studies" supported the medical use of marijuana, is contradicted by a 1999 report by a grouphighly respected scientists of the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academy of Sciences, the nation's most prestigious scientific advisory board agency. That review found marijuana as "good enough for a waste of special conditions, such as chemotherapy, adequate - Nausea and vomiting and AIDS". Would not be so surprising if the FDA to change this policy was based on new scientific research data, but does not mention any new analysisor investigations.

National Confusion

To complete the confusion, eleven states have legalized medical use of cannabis, but a Supreme Court decision last year, was arrested by the federal government for all users of marijuana, have legalized its use for medical purposes and even in States . The United States government has approved - "Marinol, a synthetic version of the pill a component of marijuana for anorexia associated with AIDS be treatedand nausea and vomiting associated with cancer therapy and GW Pharmaceutical, a British company is connected, the FDA approval of a sprayed extract of marijuana test in humans to obtain Sativex mentioned. This drug is approved for sale in Canada.
One wonders why our young people so confused about the positive and negative effects of marijuana, if our own government officials are undecided, ambivalent, and seem constantly changing state and national policiesbased on political pressure rather than by scientific evidence.

Simple Minds looking for simple solutions to complex problems, because I can not understand and believe that others understand the complexity of the situation, complete solutions. ) For example, the Earth is a system composed of subsystems (atmosphere - air, Lithosphere - Land, the hydrosphere - Water & biosphere - life. Each subsystem has an immediate and direct other subsystems involved. But mostthe earth 6 billion people are unaware of or indifferent to the fact that their daily behavior, it could cause global warming, which one day could destroy the Earth. We humans are a system of many subsystems, and the little things we do and eat every day, including a drastic impact on the current state of our mental, emotional and physical health and our future quality and length of life.

Adolescent Brain Development

The human brain is also a system of subsystems and thenThere is now overwhelming evidence that the development of the human brain continues into adolescence - until the age of 20 years. We know that the brain is vulnerable to toxic substances that can cause cognitive dysfunction in adults. There is extensive literature on the effects of acute and chronic marijuana exposure in adults, including measures of cognitive and behavioral effects, and some measures of changes in brain function, particularly in the fields of training andMemory. There have been relatively few studies, however, the effects of exposure to marijuana during development, when these areas are known to be involved in adult inner form and environment
Influence (eg exposure to other drugs, stress), interactions with peers, education, neighborhood factors, and other social variables.

Some have reported that a delay in brain development in adolescents is common when alcohol and other drugsincluding marijuana - began at a young age. "Some people feel the usual lack of initiative and concern for the future is always difficult, stay motivated, and I think he will do for themselves" (Wapner, Roger, 1995). As a result of normal aging process is interrupted. Development of coping strategies, a code of ethics, accountability, and other signs of maturity, often no more or regression. A common user emotional developmentbe delayed if you start with, and can take much longer to develop, as soon as the user himself clean and sober over a longer period. Drug abuse usually leads to rejection. They are "Denial is one of the hallmarks of chemical dependency. Frequent users, has not only denied that their drug use is a problem, you can start with the false denial of other problems, there are". Forgotten birthdays, missed social engagements and debentures, all "No big deal."(Wapner, Roger, 1995)

Jonathon Shedler and Jack Block (University of California, Berkeley) are detailed studies of young men who are nondrinkers, occasional users and frequent users made. Regular users are described (by his family and colleagues) is not reliable or responsible, non-productive or able to do things, the cunning and deceptive, opportunistic, unpredictable and changing attitudes and behaviors, not to satisfy delay and rebel erroneoustend to push and draw boundaries, self-indulgent, ethically consistent, not with great ambitions and inclined to express their hostile feelings directly. "(Shedler and Block, 1990)

Marijuana Effects

The specific effects of marijuana, but very different, depending on the quality and quantity of the drug, the personality and mood of the user, the user of their past experience with drugs, social attitudes and expectations of users. SignificantBut there is no consensus among the regulars, if smoked marijuana and inhaled, a state of mild intoxication results. This condition is a mild euphoria, characterized by a greater sense of wellbeing, increased acuity and relaxation, often accompanied by a feeling of drifting or floating away. Sensory inputs to be intensified. Often a person can be stretched or distorted sense of time, so that an event that may last only a few seconds, appears to havecover a much longer period. Short-term memory can also be affected, as you realize that it was taking a bite from a sandwich, but do not remember, they have seized. For users more pleasant experiences, including sexual intercourse is said to improve. When smoking marijuana is rapidly absorbed and its effects appear within seconds or minutes, but rarely more than 2 to 3 hours (Butcher, Mineko & Hooley, 2004).

Marijuana can cause unpleasant andpleasant experience. For example, if a person, drug, while in an unhappy, angry mood, suspect or fear, these feelings can be magnified. At higher doses, and may be unstable or sensitive to certain persons who produce marijuana extreme elation, euphoria, talkativeness and over, but it can also intense anxiety and depression and delusions, hallucinations and psychosis, like other experiences. Evidence that a strong relationship between the dailyThe use of marijuana and the presence of self-reported psychotic symptoms (Tien & Anthony, 1990).

Marijuana short-range physiological effects include a moderate increase in heart rate, bloodshot and a slowing of reaction time, a slight contraction in the size of the pupil, and itchy eyes, dry mouth and increased appetite. In addition, memory loss marijuana and a slowing of information processing (Poe induced, Gruber, et al., 2001). Continued use of high dosesover time tend to produce numbness and passivity. In such cases, marijuana seems to have a hallucinogenic effect. The effects of long-term, habitual use of marijuana are still under investigation, although a number of possible side effects have been told the long heavy use of marijuana. For example, marijuana tends to reduce the self-control. A study to investigate the past history of drug use reported under arrest murderers, than among menthe murder was committed, the most widely marijuana drug use. One-third indicated that they experienced the drug before the murder, and two thirds that some effects of the drug at the time of the crime (Spunt et al, 1994 ) ..

Marijuana is not too extreme physical addiction, like heroin has. However, it can lead to psychological dependence, in which a person experiences a strong need for the drug if he or she feels anxiety or tension. In fact Recent research has reported that many abstainers reported using marijuana withdrawal-like symptoms such as nervousness, tension, insomnia, loss of appetite and change (Budney, Hughes, et al., 2001; Kouri and Pope, 2000). A recent study of drug users reported that marijuana users were more ambivalent and less safe suspension were cocaine (Budney, Radonovich, et al., 1998).

Self - diagnosis

1. Your period> The use of marijuana and drunkenness affects performance at work or school?

2. Is your regular use of marijuana and intoxication in physically dangerous situations, like driving a car?

3. Have or have had legal problems because of arrests for possession of marijuana?

4. Have you, or you had an argument with a spouse or parent for possession of marijuana in the apartment, or its use around children?

If you answered"Yes" to either of them - you can define the criteria for a diagnosis of cannabis to satisfy, and advised me to undergo an alcohol / drug evaluation by a certified substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC) and all recommendations for treatment.

If you are obsessed with mental or physical with marijuana, such as:

1. Craving;

2. Withdrawal symptoms;

3. Irritability

4. Insomnia and /or

5. Fear

- When you try to exit, then the diagnosis of cannabis dependence taken into account, rather than the use of cannabis. Similarly, I recommend to submit to an alcohol / drug abuse evaluation by a Certified Substance Abuse Counselor (CSAC), and comply with all recommendations for treatment.

Multiple searches

In 2001, marijuana was a factor in more than 110,000 emergency department visits in the United States. In a survey ofDrug-related crime emergency department visits (DAWN Report, 2001), 16 percent of visits were drug-related crime for abuse of marijuana. Many of these visits, emergency room, as one might suppose, was l ' use of other substances along with marijuana. If you have problems "yes to any of these above-questions diagnosis, because alcohol and / or other drugs along with marijuana and would not contribute to your problems of marijuana use alonetherefore meet the criteria for the possibility - Poly-addiction and / or "poly-behavioral addiction" - see below. Since it is impossible to expect a treatment for addiction to be beneficial when other addictions co-exist, the first therapeutic intervention for any addiction that is for an evaluation of other dependencies. National surveys have shown that a very high correlation between use of cannabis and / or abuse of other drugs and Behavioral Addiction.

Poor prognosis

We have come far, more than any other time in history that the treatment of addiction to cannabis and other diseases, lifestyle and behavioral dependencies related to gambling, food, sex, and / or religion (etc.) often to achieve a difficult and frustrating for all involved. Repeated violations rich in all dependencies, even when you use the most effective strategies for treatment. But because 47% of patients treated in private> Programs for addiction treatment (for example) relapse within the first year after treatment (Gorski, T., 2001)? Addiction specialists must be conditioned to accept failure as the norm? There are many reasons for this poor prognosis. Some might say that the dependencies are psychosomatic induced and maintained in a semi-balanced force field of forces multidimensional positive and negative. Others would say that failures due simply to a lack of self-motivation orWillpower. Most would agree that the dependence lifestyle behavior are serious risks that may deserve our attention, but it may be that patients are diagnosed with more dependencies in the context (by a simple function) due to lack of diagnostic tools and resources are not able to resolve the complexity of assessing and treating a patient with multiple addictions?

Diagnostic definition

So far, the DSM-IV-TR has not delineated a diagnosis for theComplexity of multiple behavioral and drug addiction. Has the diagnosis of poly-substance addiction for a person who has repeated at least three groups of substances in the same period of 12 months, but the criteria for the diagnosis and completeness of the behavioral symptoms of addiction. The psychological factors, the policy section health is (DSM-IV-TR, 2000), maladaptive health behaviors (eg, risky sexual practices, excessive consumption of alcohol, drug use,and food, etc.) may be listed on Axis I, only if they have a significant effect on the course of treating a medical or psychological condition.

Since the successful results of treatment depend on a comprehensive assessment and accurate diagnosis and comprehensive individualized treatment plan, it's no wonder that repeated rehabilitation failures and low success rates are the rule rather than the 'exception in the field of addiction, when the latest DSM-IV - TR does not even include a diagnosis more dependency behavior disorders. Clinical treatment must be a system of treatment planning and referral network, which is fully equipped as drug addiction and mental illness, and treatment-related needs are fully assessed and provide training / awareness, prevention strategy groups, and / or addiction treatment specifically for people with multiple diagnoses of dependence. Written treatment goals and objectives must be specified for each> Addiction and the size of an individual's life and the result desired performance or completion criteria should be explicitly stated that the behavior (based on visible activity), and measurable.

Proposed new diagnosis

In order to solve the limited diagnostic capacity DSM-IV-TRS ', a multidimensional diagnosis of "Poly-behavioral addiction", the support is proposed for more accurate diagnoses leads to planning for a more effective treatment. This diagnosisincludes the broad category of dependence that a person who reveals a combination of drug abuse, addiction and other compulsive obsessive behavior is gameplay, religion and / or sex / pornography, etc.) include. Behavioral addictions are just as damaging - psychologically and socially, as abuse of alcohol and drugs. Are compared with data on other lifestyle diseases, like diabetes, hypertension and heart diseasetheir behavioral problems, their causes and their resistance to treatments. Participate progressive disorder, obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors. They are also characterized by a preoccupation with a continuous or periodic loss of control, and continuous irrational behavior, despite negative consequences.

Poly-behavioral addiction would be described as a state of periodic or chronic physical, mental, emotional, cultural, sexual and / or spiritual /religious frenzy. These different types of poisoning are involved, by repeated obsessive thoughts and compulsive behavior practices in dealings of any substance pathological changes in mood, person, organization, belief system, and / or create assets. The individual has intensified an overwhelming desire, need or compulsion with the presence of a tendency to comply with this practice and to demonstrate the phenomena of tolerance, abstinence and withdrawal, which increasinglyPhysical and / or psychological dependence on the effects of this pathological relationship. In addition, there is a 12 - period of months in which an individual with three or more abnormal behavior and / or drug abuse, while involved, but the criteria does not satisfy the dependency of a dependency, in particular (Slobodzien, J. , 2005). In essence, Poly-behavioral addiction is the synergistically integrated chronic dependence on multiple physiologically Addictive substances and behaviors (eg, the use / abuse of drugs - nicotine, alcohol and drugs, and act or impulsively or compulsively obsessed) with regard to gambling, food binging, sex and or religion, etc. simultaneously.

Multidimensional treatment

Since the disease lifestyle and chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, alcoholism, drug abuse and addiction behavior can not be cured but only managed - how should we effectively manage poly-behavioral> Addiction?

The Addiction Recovery Measurement System (ARMS) is proposed to use a multidimensional integrative assessment, treatment planning, progress treatment and outcome of the treatment system of measurement that provides a fast and accurate recognition and assessment of life in individual functioning dimensions facilitate progress monitoring. The ARMS hypothesis purports that it is a multi-dimensional synergy negative resistance that individualto develop some form of treatment to a single dimension of their lives, because the effects of dependence on a person to interact in a dynamic multi-dimensional. Once the goal is a size inadequate. Traditional addiction treatment programs are not for the multidimensional synergistically negative effects of a person (record dependent on multiple factors, such as nicotine, alcohol and obesity, etc..) Behavioral Addictionnegatively with each other and with strategies to improve operations of global interaction. Tend to promote the use of tobacco, alcohol and other drugs, help increase violence, decrease efficiency, and promote social isolation. Today, most theories of treatment will involve assessing other dimensions of dual diagnosis or co-morbidity diagnoses, or to assess the factors that may play a role in the primary function of the person identified. The theory of arms'proclaims that a multidimensional treatment plan must be devised addressing the possible multiple dependence throughout the life of the individual size than the countries in the developing world to identify specific goals and objectives for each dimension.


This article is not with the intention to demonize or enhance the illicit cultivation larger than in the United States and top cash writing (growers of the United States produce about 35 billion dollars of marijuana each year, so that drugs are illegalCash crop of the country's largest, bigger than corn and wheat together, a supporter of the medical use of marijuana, said in a study of 18 Published 06 December in Washington), "Reuters." It was not written for the use or non use of marijuana legal for medical purposes, if a lawyer or illegal. There are many items available, which already achieve that mission. But I hope that the 10 to 15 percent of the people most complex problemswith the use of marijuana, you can find the help they need. Given the variety of addictions in our world today, you should always take into account a person's ethnic pathological, cultural background, religious and social, before clinical decisions, and it would be wise not too strong in this area. However, since the results of treatment of success depend on a thorough assessment and accurate diagnosis, individualized treatment and comprehensivePlanning - poly-behavioral addiction needs to be established to effectively treat addiction, the complexity of multiple behavioral and substance.

For more information, visit:

Poly-behavioral Addiction and Drug Addiction Recovery Measurement System (ARMS)

James Slobodzien, Psy.D. CSAC


James Slobodzien, Psy.D. CSAC, is a Hawaii licensed psychologist and certified consultants, drug abuse doctorate in clinical psychology. The National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology credentials Dr. Slobodzien. He has over 20 years of experience in mental health particularly in relation to alcohol / drug abuse and drug addiction in behavioral medicine, prisons and judicial fields. He is an associate professor of psychology and also maintains a private practice as a consultant on mental health.


National Institute on Drug Abuse,Without parents> Marijuana need to know, in September 2004, marijuana what, how marijuana is used for?
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the results of the 2005 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: National Findings, September 2006
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the introduction of Marijuana: Trends, Patterns and Implications, July 2002.
National Institute on Drug Abuse and University of Michigan, MonitoringFuture 2005 Data from school surveys of 8th-10th-and 12th-grade students, December 2005
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance-United States, 2005, June 2006
National Institute on Drug Abuse and the University of Michigan, the National Observatory Future Survey Results on Drug Use, 1975-2005, Volume II: College students and adults aged 19-45 (PDF), 2006
Bureau of Justice Statistics, drug use and dependence, state andFederal Prisoners, 2004, October 2006
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Info Facts: Marijuana, April 2006
National Institute on Drug Abuse, Research Report Series-Marijuana Abuse, October 2001.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Drug Abuse Warning Network, 2004: national estimates of Drug-Related Emergency Department Visits, April 2006
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, mortality data from drug abuseWarning Network, 2001 (PDF), January 2003.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS) Highlights 2004 (PDF), February 2006
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Crime in the United States, 2005, September 2006
National Drug Intelligence Center, National Drug Threat Assessment 2007, October 2006
Bureau of Justice Statistics, drug use and dependence, state and federal authorities, the prisoners, 2004, October 2006
United States SentencingCommission, 2005 Sourcebook of Federal Sentencing Statistics, June 2006
National Drug Intelligence Center, National Drug Threat Assessment 2007

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 17 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drug Test You Can Do Right Now

Relatives and friends of offenders substance may also occur this time. Professional drug and alcohol counselors are many tests that determine the use to see if the other has a problem of addiction. Tests, you may decide to act before you have bigger problems that are not avoided.

Addiction and drug tests can help determine, despite the lies and denial.

I spoke with about 10,000 people in relation to the treatment of drugas drug and alcohol rehabilitation counselors. I noticed there are several factors continue to be among people who are addicted. Addicts show these features, although a different story that they are willing to give.

The two tests that I use regularly, as a means of addiction counseling, testing and proof of Cage CASH. You may never have heard of CASH-test, although it is obvious what it covers. I developed this phone as a consultant over the years.

Simply answer "yes" to 3 of 4these letters in the acronym CAGE, and you have someone with a drug problem or was the abuse of alcohol. These problems can affect both users and friends and family will be asked to users.

CAGE test

(C AGE) Cut Down

If the person is trying to mitigate? Others have cut their strike on its use? Party, drugs and alcohol in general, and often go hand in hand. People suggesting that the person is as an indicator of a drugor alcohol dependence.

(C-GE) Annoyed

Relatives are or any person to remember, or who have a problem of addiction angry? This tells us, were regularly abused drugs and alcohol. The problem is trying to show themselves.

(CA G E) Guilty

I am with a guilty conscience for the consequences of their substance? They feel there are too many and should not be. What used to defend the family and friends of the person? If the person If they are on their use or you suspect this, follow your instincts. Watch and listen to what is being said and not think about this.

CAG (A) Eye-Opener

If a drug or drink, start their day or go out? You need a nightcap? I have a lot of marijuana smokers who can not sleep without smoking a joint. Yes, they are employees and can be addictive.

Add answered simply the number of "yes" and "No". 3 of 4 show a big problem. 4 / 4 shows a> Addiction.

For those who have not developed yet convinced, try mine, if the item provides. I call it the test CASH.

Process CASH

(CASH) Cash

How much money is spent on drugs or alcohol? If someone buys to get the math done. E 'surprised both you and the family, what value will be invested in an addiction. Take the person actually ask to see how much this stuff costs money.

(CASH) Assets

May includeWhen it is to work or study. However, the mean activity, as financial investment in drug problems or alcohol use go? Include court costs, fines, loss of profits, stolen goods and put valuables. You get the idea.

(CASH) Leisure

If the majority involved the free time in dealing with people? Are always in their spare time? When most of his spare time is spent on drugs or alcohol, you can answer "yes" to this question.

(CASH) Health

Are theirhealth problems? If this question brings the house that you no longer need to be evaluated. A person with drug and alcohol problems recover rare, as their bodies and prevent so busy the last dose of poison. What aspect?

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วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marijuana and false information

I smoked pot for many years. I liked pot, because they have forgotten what helped me, my life is a disaster, but I liked it because the effect it had on me. While most people in the area outside, away in La La Land and oblivion if you smoked pot, people would have said what to me like "You're the only person I know whose mind is sharper when You get high. "

Pot has given me the effect of illumination and realization. My thought would be crystal clear, very lively andI am deeply revelatory "spiritual" things. I could see in people with profound clarity and could psycho-analysis with great precision. They found shocking. A few liked it, but many thought that was cut to close to reality and stopped with me when I was high.

Knowledge widely imitated for me and know so tight that I can not see the evil genius behind it all, for a very long time.The spirit behind this drug knowing that I was born with a propensity forThe truth, he had a strong performance, and played up to this depth, revealing things to me and showed me true things back to keep me more. But what has never been revealed to me that all this was happening in my world of thoughts in my universe ego where I saw myself as informed and confident that what I saw was correct, as it was.

Can you see how incredibly thin this was bad? As can be terribly confused? How can the right to be wrong? Fewidea how terrible it can be intoxicating and addictive. Would be some time before I realized that the IT support and me on the seemingly "good" in my head that was not well established. In truth, I was connected to a wicked spirit standing in the place of the saint.

I had no idea then that my motivation and timing of me all wrong, as I do technically correct, what I see and what I say. We thank God for the pain in other aspects of my lifeurged me to meditate, because meditation, I could finally look bad the big lie behind the mighty, but the voice "of the Good" have in me to be free from this slavery terrible addiction.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 15 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

The definition of addiction

Although drug addiction is a complex disease, the assignment of a definition of this disease is really quite simple. Addiction is defined in its simplest form, such as the maintenance of compulsive drug use despite negative health and social consequences .

The definition of drug addiction should include the fact that there is a state of heavy dependence on a particular drug. In general, it is thought, like a physical addiction, but in reality there is apsychological dependence and emotional dependence. Some say that the compulsive use of drugs and addiction or substance.

Drug addiction is a behavior disorder is the first drug usually in response to a behavior or a situation that seems out of control for the user. You seem to have no other choice than the drug because of the dependence of the body that the use of the drug to remain in the current system.

Adistinction between drug use and drug abuse. And 'possible for people without the use of drugs to be charged, but is generally limited to drug prescription. People who do drugs with a physical illness or pain, the negative impact of a physical illness under control by himself. These drugs improve the quality of life of patients, but are not necessarily addicted to.

Dependent on a drug - or addicted to it - the usermust take medication regularly, and you are experiencing unpleasant symptoms if you want to stop drugs, such as nausea or insomnia. Drug abuse or dependence occurs when a person, a drug despite the harm he has caused their system.

There is a difference between drug abuse and addiction. Drug abuse occurs when a person uses an excessive amount of a drug at a time or frequently. Drug addiction is when a person can not exitDrugs and discontinuation of the drug seems to be impossible.

Of course, a definition of addiction, but notice that it has completed a physical addiction, as well as psychological. Physical dependence occurs when a drug is commonly used, and the body has become accustomed to the effects. Psychological dependence occurs when the drug is commonly used, and the mind is accustomed to the effects of the drug produces.

If drugin fact the life of a person, the definition of that drug addiction is a bit 'less important reasons why people are using. However, it may be useful for a mass defined as states that may experience a better understanding of drug dependence.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 14 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drug Rehab Program Effectiveness

Rehab Drug addiction is a generic formulation on the rehabilitation of drug addicts, and to prescribe medical treatment of addiction to legal or illegal drugs, alcohol, nicotine or other psychoactive substances.

If you are longing or desire, and always use a drug, no matter if the substance behind that drug is legal or illegal, what you need is a rehabilitation of drug addiction. This means that you have an addiction, then you must take taken seriously and to receive immediate treatment in a rehabilitation clinic, and time is necessary because it takes time and effort. There are many ways you can get a drug addiction rehabilitation: rehabilitation clinics, sober houses, care centers, local support groups etc. Your body is through its dependence on two levels: physical and psychological affects.

If you do not check themselves into rehab to overcome this dependence as soon as they are permitted to have one, this> Addiction tends to become chronic. It means that you will fall again, and can go back into the abyss and, finally, never. This can happen even after a long and efficient treatment. During the rehabilitation program, you can not just take your medicine, take what you do is to learn to live with his illness from your best side. So you can not miss the competition against your temptation and lose your rehabilitation addiction.

Drug Rehab Treatment

TheTreatment is of two phases: focus, which prevents physical healing through detoxification or withdrawal of therapy and psychological support, relapse. The approach of the professionals depends on the substance that caused the dependency and special effects. Drug use has been very effective in the rehabilitation of drug addiction for at least three goals: an effective treatment of rehabilitation, (the continuation of the standard for a longer period) andBreak of physical and psychological dependence. There are three ways of dealing with medical treatment at an addiction rehab drug-related symptoms of the patient 'and side effects (central nervous system, CNS, and not only):

- CNS depressants - from mild to severe side effects that affect blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and even threaten life;

- CNS stimulants - depression, suicidal thoughts, paranoia,Psychoses

- Opiates - from mild to severe side effects (rapid pulse, high blood pressure, pain, tremor, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.), recently approved in the United States for the treatment of heroin addiction) is buprenorphine (a milder opioid.

Detoxification is completed and the psychology of the treatment that followed also an important stage of rehabilitation of drug addiction. It means counseling, therapy sessions through individual, group or family madeMeetings.

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วันพุธที่ 13 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Drug Addiction Signs - How to Tell if someone you care drug Uses

If you have ever faced a drug addiction or know someone who has, you can go through a terrible ordeal. Most of us have never gone through it and know nothing to do with addiction. Whether it's yourself or a family member, there are some signs of addiction, which can detect early stage and later such as addiction sets in. In this article I shall speak some of the most important signs of drug effects> Addictions, you should know.

First, as is the person that your mood? If someone unusually Moody's for the past few months, or are suffering from depression and anger problems, this could be an early sign of addiction. You approach the subject lightly, if you're going to do it at all. Screaming and threatening someone with a serious drug addiction could be detrimental to their welfare and could go off on you back when you're not careful. Look emotionalInstability as one of the first signs of addiction.

Next, try to look for physical signs. The so-called "speed freaks" are a lot of nervous spasms and movements. Cocaine and other drug related, you scratch a lot (this is often with people addicted to crack cocaine). Lack of motivation, reaction time, body care, and ambition are all great signs of physical dependence. If my hand trembles when your partner and grab a drink atRefrigerator, which are unlikely to Parkinson's disease, but developed a kind of physical dependence.

Finally, note if they are always broke and always needed money. Many addicts are lazy, or not paid for their work, have enough money for high quality of drugs on the black market, they have to pay, we rob and steal from their beloved places. If you have been robbed recently, you could put one of your friends or family, trying to your productslittle more money - necessarily support their drug habit. When this happens, is in his face, you must put an end to it immediately and make sure that these people are treated. Taking account of this behavior may continue only encourages drug users to continue to do.

Finally, there are many signs of addiction out there. Some are painfully obvious and are not equal, and that is why you suspect a watchful eye on the necessity to think of drug abuse. Mood, emotion,mental and physical well-being all have a role to play, test your aim to help someone to stop the abuse of illegal substances. Use your senses and be vigilant at all times, when someone is suspected that the love of drug abuse.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 8 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Cause and treatment of addiction

The dependence term usually refers to chronic use of one of three types of psychotropic substances, licit drugs (alcohol, nicotine), illicit drugs (eg cocaine, marijuana) or drugs (eg, Valium, Prozac) may lead to large enough to live harmful effects as different aspects of life.

Drug and alcohol abuse is probably the most common cause of death and disability in the world, Tobacco / nicotine kills 5Millions around the world. If one considers that 90% of incarceration, 50% of approvals psychiatric and about 25% of admissions to medical and surgical hospitals directly the result of drug abuse, one begins to get an idea of the enormous strains on society will take.

Craving is the main symptom of addiction, and if severe enough, a drug addict destroy someone or something for the "substance", are getting the information to meet misled into believingand his desire to bring happiness.

Because of the dependence

Brain cells or neurons produce chemical substances called neurotransmitters, and control virtually every aspect of your life and communicate with other cells. Biochemical imbalances in eight major neurotransmitters are the driving force behind all the dependencies. When defective, the addict finds it extremely difficult not to satisfy their desires. Substance abusers are increasingly powerlessabout the imperative of brain chemistry imbalance.

8 Neurotransmitters Key

1 - serotonin (an inhibitor of a calming effect on the exercise or unpleasant feelings prevent us from overaction.)

2 - GABA (inhibition, similar to serotonin, which helps to alleviate the fears and concerns and to influence mental activity.)

3 - endorphins and enkephalins (two groups of structurally similar inhibitoryChannels that are powerful, natural pain relief.)

4 - endocannabinoids (acting as a modulating system for fine-tuning of the responses of the body) to a variety of stimuli

5 - acetylcholine (dopamine inhibits the potential for unbridled delirium, content paranoid)

6 - dopamine (euphoria as "known sender.)

7 - Taurine (as GABA inhibits)

8 - histamine (discipline supervisoryand sleep-wake cycles)

Drug abuse is thus caused by the replacement of one or more of the main channel with a man-made chemicals such as alcohol, cocaine and Valium in order to satisfy a temporary need. The psychotropic substance rather than artificially is used, the neurotransmitters are the chemical mimics of stock, and increasing amounts of the chemical to be addictive, to achieve the same effect of reducing stress (tolerance) to. The condition is worsened whenthe natural channel has been exhausted. The addict is compelled by its biochemical imbalances, locate the object of their desires at any cost, even if their health, relationships and work at risk.

Addiction Cure

A long term solution can be achieved only if the cause is addressed, and the differences are normalized. Every attempt will involve a long-term fix to a chemical psychotropic ultimately create more chaos and conservation ofAbuse. The correction of imbalances that are causing the problem can only be achieved by providing the right nutrients to the regeneration of neurotransmitters may occur.

Most programs do not focus the treatment on the healing of the brain before and for this reason, the current recovery programs have a very low percentage of success.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 7 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to Get Rid of Alcohol Dependence

The word means "addictive," a person "who has the will, the habit, especially something bad or harmful." Herein lies the importance of the problem. We find an increasing number of alcoholics in this day, which are much more sophisticated and serious than "De Quincey English opium-eater" or Bankimchandra opium addict, "Kamalakanta.

The causes may be different. Parental neglect, frustration, imitation of the West, there may be some of the causes of social indiscipline. ManyPeople drink alcohol for the happiness, feel proud, they think that drinking alcohol will be a real man. For these reasons, the sale of alcohol is increasing every day.

Harmful effects of imagined better described. Growing habits of drug addicts shake him both physically and mentally. Youth is the backbone of society to live in the land of the Lotus-eaters "and the company is locked. We know that health is our most,And 'our best richness. We must win and keep it with care. It is the source of all joy and happiness in life. If we have a healthy body, we are not a healthy mind. But the continuous use of alcohol affects health, a lot. People to find the source of their joy and happiness of alcohol. But for the mentally and physically healthy care is free, are far.

Since prevention is better than cure, if the desire to be removed immediately. Thus, alcoholRehabilitation of drug addicts needed.

Offered as a last resort, drug addicts should be treated with medical therapy and properly rehabilitated after the Reformation. Today, many good, well-designed rehabilitation centers are available, full and proper care and guidance for the patient well. These centers are designed specifically for alcohol-dependent patients. Some of the alcohol rehabilitation services that offer free treatment for the common good.

Some famous Alcohol rehabilitation centers with the following phone number and official website.
Some other measures should be adopted for the treatment of alcohol dependence, such as the systematic propaganda, and strong and effective administrative measures. , Parents, teachers and social workers to be agreed in a crusade against evil and should be supported in addition to alcoholic patients and ensure they receive the resources that will be the state> Addiction. And 'now a global problem and as such must be addressed on war footing.

The sooner we can get rid of them, the better. There are several steps that are taken by state institutions to get rid of this problem and one of them is rehabilitation centers. According to recent reports and studies, there are many people who got rid of drug addiction, with the help of these centers and programs.

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วันอังคารที่ 5 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How To Stop Marijuana Addiction Positive

Let's face it, smoke marijuana, why people feel good, and often because they think it is not a big problem as the other harder drugs. People are creatures of pleasure, and if it is not a good feeling that would not. But there comes a time when, no matter how beautiful it is, apparently, we're back to eliminate the habit has become the rule and entrenched in our lives so strong that if you think like marijuana addiction can not stop until he feels painand negative.

However, as we seek pleasure and we are looking for activities listed and moments that feel good and positive. This means that the negative aspects of leaving something, to feel that way and now they are comfortable and give up a part of our lives seriously their attempts to stem the flow of drugs can be. Feels like there is no salary, and the pain only when the task dependency and psychological dependency, as the vessel is driven by the premium high. Sotruly able to smoke marijuana, you must find a way to be positive about the process and stay for the entire period, no matter what positive stop!

It can be easy to start and positive and is a good first step. You must first know what are the benefits leave you with better health, more time to spend more money and feel that you check your own life, rather than dominated by a substance. Increased self-esteem can be obtained by Stopincredible, and all other benefits may seem obvious, and this is what drives many will start on the path free from drug trafficking.

Only later can be really difficult to concentrate on how you feel rewarded and die to rise. Although it may seem trivial, they say, must remain positive to say, but here are some tips for you to stay and to stay on track.

Note the positive ratings

I remember all the good things that we thought would be your afterclean? In the meantime, may be somewhat 'tarnished, but this does not mean they are not real achievable goals. Write down all the positive things that come to the end of the trip and keep them in the eye always somewhere you can read. While you're there to write every thing that has happened because I do not smoke.

Build your success

Concentrate on wins and successes, not all errors of vulnerability is possible at this time. Althoughnot change the reality, as some proponents of positive thinking you have to think that keeps you from falling into the negative thoughts that lead you in the short-term relief, trying, like drugs. With his stay positive, but will this trap and give yourself a better chance to get out.

Staying positive is the key to how to stop addiction to marijuana dependence or for that matter and help in all areas of your life. I hope that these suggestions can helpto put an end to your efforts.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 4 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

How to stop smoking marijuana - self-hypnosis for marijuana Addiction

When you are ready to quit smoking marijuana, there are many ways you can take to get help. Overcoming dependence on a drug that is not something that is useful to do alone. You need some kind of support system in place successfully quit smoking marijuana, and to continue to occupy the most productive in your life.

Really Quitters sometimes win

One of the first things you should do when you're ready to quitSmoking marijuana is overcoming the negative connotations associated with the left. Once you quit smoking pot find that there are many experiences that you weed your dependence robbed. It 'really liberating out here and overcome the bonds of dependency.

To overcome the denial, to stop smoking marijuana

One of the hardest things to do for the toll that smoking pot acquisition realize yourLife. There are many excuses you come by on their way to try to convince yourself that you do not need to stop smoking marijuana. The truth is that none of them are only valid if, in comparison with the many benefits that go together to stop now.

Smoking pot does not make you a raving lunatic, this drug works in other ways. They literally stole away your motivation. Can you imagine the improvement of their position in life if you just stop smoking marijuana for good?If you're ready to take this important step to regain control of your life, there are some tools that can help overcome addiction.

GNP and the dependence of marijuana

Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming together), in order to respond the way your body change with the addition. This helps you to smoke marijuana, because the things you need to smoke pot, and the temptation to know that smoking grass trigger overcome presented.

NLP works in your mind to overcome these things, but contact at war with your mind. If you realize the things that trigger your need for weed, you can go and take the first real steps are needed to stop smoking marijuana once and for all time.

It's never easy to win the dependency, even with help. NLP and hypnosis, when used to help you, instruments, however, can be extremely important for your efforts to reduce smoking> Marijuana much less difficult to recover control over your thoughts and make the pain of withdrawal much easier to manage.

If you are struggling with addictions, help is near. You do not have to deal with the addiction itself. But even better, with NLP you can get the help you need to load the marijuana smoke, without having to stop friends and family with your addiction. However, assistance from family and friends do the processing NLPProcess even more effective when it comes to helping you, smoking marijuana for good.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 3 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marijuana Makes You Dumb - A warning for parents

Sometimes, and even if we never admit it, we feel relieved when we start our children with drugs, but it's only marijuana.

For many of us has smoked marijuana or had friends who did, and never really seemed a problem. We do not want our children to illegal drugs, but when they come across something, and at least it is not cocaine or heroin or methane, to be able to take the right?

Well, yes and no.

Yes, it could be worse, but no, it should not be facilitated. Marijuana today is more than 20 or even 10 years ago. If we use only the scientific genius that goes into technical cultivation of marijuana, we would certainly solve many problems in society now!

Seriously, marijuana is up to 10 times more potent than the pot a couple of decades ago, and with this incredible jumping power, and has a huge increase in damage from marijuana use.

Risks> The use of marijuana

First, marijuana is a drug very addictive. There are younger people in rehab for marijuana abuse than for any other form of drugs. Marijuana is addictive, and the syndrome of detoxification when someone is trying to stop heavy enough for many people much longer than would otherwise be the case want maintain.

Marijuana is also a carcinogen, in any case, the ambition and initiative, reduced to little more than sit on the couch watching TV to doMicrowave snacks and meals, and is also a significant increase of associated psychological conditions later in life.

But for the young, is one of the biggest problems that marijuana makes people stupid.

Not always, but for about 24 hours after smoking marijuana, are not able to concentrate more poorly performing a series of measures to language skills and mathematics, and you lose the ability to consolidate memories effectively.

In essence,1 full day after smoking a joint, which can be run and not as a student. If you smoke a joint every day, you can never work well as a student.

Children have a job, and this work is to go to school to learn what you need to know to succeed in life, and hopefully the music will be well enough to keep them in schools. Steals Marijuana achieve their skills such easy targets, and is removed from them the desire and want.

So parents should be veryconcerned about the marijuana. you should be concerned about the health risks, they should be around a child who does not seem to do very worried about video games, and should be very concerned if a teenager derails another promising future l ' marijuana use and underachievement at school.

If you know the child seems to be a problem with marijuana, and can not stop themselves, they need professional help. Today, cannabis is so strong, soheavy load of THC, which will cause a fairly serious addiction. Detoxification and pain of withdrawal can be difficult, and if these pains are a pretty serious desire to use a lot of people simply do not succeed together.

If they do not by themselves, help them, is important, it needs to do and before action is taken, the better the ultimate prognosis.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 2 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marijuana - Parents, Be Afraid - What You Need to Know

Many of us have smoked a little pot in the last few years and never really a problem with him. We do not want to see our children with all types of drugs, but even if it was only the marijuana, at least internally, we have raised.

After all, that the damage?

Unfortunately, rotten time, and given that the last marijuana children, the little gem. Marijuana is ten times stronger in recent decades has been, and has greater strengthincreased tendency to social problems and mental and physical damage. The marijuana of 20 years, retains very little of what widespread today schoolyards, and if it can in today's marijuana has a lot of problems out.

Currently, the people, there are more young people in drug programs in America for marijuana dependence than for any other form of medication.

The Harms


Marijuana is now addictedis a syndrome of detox, and a lot of people who otherwise, as to stop or reduce their consumption by at least see that

The symptoms of withdrawal detox marijuana insomnia, headaches, irritability, nausea, lethargy and loss of appetite, and are used in combination with some pretty serious cravings. There is no detox heroin, but it is very difficult, very uncomfortable, and the desire enough to most people who test themselves, before stopping forthe first week.

Cognitive decline

Marijuana makes people stupid, not forever, but for about 24 hours after smoking a substantial reduction in the concentration of power, linguistic and mathematical thinking and memory capacity signal in general.

Of course, for children, whose main task is to learn is reduced to a successful future, whatever their mental capacity is needed more problematic. Just as marijuana Sincemany people at the beginning of addiction, casual users are smoking daily and, basically, are constantly under the negative influence of their abuse.

A lack of initiative

It's sad but true, when you're high, your main goal in life seems to be sitting on the couch, eating snacks and games. Not exactly the road to success in life.


The more children to smoke, and before you start, the greater the probability thatThey will experience depression or psychosis later in life. Marijuana is not what it was, and the long-term impact of marijuana today's highly psychotropic can deeply and tragically.


Although it is not something that lives in the presence of young people think too much, smoking marijuana is carcinogenic, and that smoking marijuana makes you the same health risks as smoking cigarettes.

Take itserious

Marijuana is not meth, and it is true that your children might be there, far more dangerous than smoking a joint futures of things, but marijuana is harmful, otherwise you can get derailed promising, it takes a path through some very significant risks to health and must be taken seriously.

Marijuana is not what it was.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 1 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Dependency Treatment

There is no one "-size-fits-all" approach to the treatment of drug addiction. Treatment depends on the individual needs and circumstances and the drug. But for every type of chemical dependency, the goal is to help the person to adapt to changes in their lives, their thinking and way of life, enabling them to live free from drugs.

There are many types of treatment, from medical detoxification, residential short-term, long-term residential, outpatientand often a combination of these options is the best strategy. There are no screening professional recording and reference agencies that can help people find the best treatment for them.

What is important to choose a prestigious hospital for other conditions, it is important to choose a center for addiction treatment that works in the hands of qualified professionals, preferably with someone on staff who manage the recovery console, and thatis an expert in relapse prevention.

From personal experience I can tell you that the most important part of recovery is for people who have a proven track record in the process of recovery of hearing, not the things that owe their success, they contributed on a daily basis. Just as drug addicts spend all their time to concentrate on their food dependency, spent a longer period to make an effort to be fatal or more of these destructive behaviorsModel and with the right thinking and behaviors. Because this means a process of correct decisions on a daily basis, must be practiced every day.

Most successful people will tell you, surround themselves with successful people of other parties, to provide information to develop similar interests, relationships and better quality. Recovery from addiction is no different than companies in this regard. In recovery, it is a support system andevery addict needs to recover.

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