วันศุกร์ที่ 8 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Cause and treatment of addiction

The dependence term usually refers to chronic use of one of three types of psychotropic substances, licit drugs (alcohol, nicotine), illicit drugs (eg cocaine, marijuana) or drugs (eg, Valium, Prozac) may lead to large enough to live harmful effects as different aspects of life.

Drug and alcohol abuse is probably the most common cause of death and disability in the world, Tobacco / nicotine kills 5Millions around the world. If one considers that 90% of incarceration, 50% of approvals psychiatric and about 25% of admissions to medical and surgical hospitals directly the result of drug abuse, one begins to get an idea of the enormous strains on society will take.

Craving is the main symptom of addiction, and if severe enough, a drug addict destroy someone or something for the "substance", are getting the information to meet misled into believingand his desire to bring happiness.

Because of the dependence

Brain cells or neurons produce chemical substances called neurotransmitters, and control virtually every aspect of your life and communicate with other cells. Biochemical imbalances in eight major neurotransmitters are the driving force behind all the dependencies. When defective, the addict finds it extremely difficult not to satisfy their desires. Substance abusers are increasingly powerlessabout the imperative of brain chemistry imbalance.

8 Neurotransmitters Key

1 - serotonin (an inhibitor of a calming effect on the exercise or unpleasant feelings prevent us from overaction.)

2 - GABA (inhibition, similar to serotonin, which helps to alleviate the fears and concerns and to influence mental activity.)

3 - endorphins and enkephalins (two groups of structurally similar inhibitoryChannels that are powerful, natural pain relief.)

4 - endocannabinoids (acting as a modulating system for fine-tuning of the responses of the body) to a variety of stimuli

5 - acetylcholine (dopamine inhibits the potential for unbridled delirium, content paranoid)

6 - dopamine (euphoria as "known sender.)

7 - Taurine (as GABA inhibits)

8 - histamine (discipline supervisoryand sleep-wake cycles)

Drug abuse is thus caused by the replacement of one or more of the main channel with a man-made chemicals such as alcohol, cocaine and Valium in order to satisfy a temporary need. The psychotropic substance rather than artificially is used, the neurotransmitters are the chemical mimics of stock, and increasing amounts of the chemical to be addictive, to achieve the same effect of reducing stress (tolerance) to. The condition is worsened whenthe natural channel has been exhausted. The addict is compelled by its biochemical imbalances, locate the object of their desires at any cost, even if their health, relationships and work at risk.

Addiction Cure

A long term solution can be achieved only if the cause is addressed, and the differences are normalized. Every attempt will involve a long-term fix to a chemical psychotropic ultimately create more chaos and conservation ofAbuse. The correction of imbalances that are causing the problem can only be achieved by providing the right nutrients to the regeneration of neurotransmitters may occur.

Most programs do not focus the treatment on the healing of the brain before and for this reason, the current recovery programs have a very low percentage of success.

cocaine addiction