วันเสาร์ที่ 16 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2553

Marijuana and false information

I smoked pot for many years. I liked pot, because they have forgotten what helped me, my life is a disaster, but I liked it because the effect it had on me. While most people in the area outside, away in La La Land and oblivion if you smoked pot, people would have said what to me like "You're the only person I know whose mind is sharper when You get high. "

Pot has given me the effect of illumination and realization. My thought would be crystal clear, very lively andI am deeply revelatory "spiritual" things. I could see in people with profound clarity and could psycho-analysis with great precision. They found shocking. A few liked it, but many thought that was cut to close to reality and stopped with me when I was high.

Knowledge widely imitated for me and know so tight that I can not see the evil genius behind it all, for a very long time.The spirit behind this drug knowing that I was born with a propensity forThe truth, he had a strong performance, and played up to this depth, revealing things to me and showed me true things back to keep me more. But what has never been revealed to me that all this was happening in my world of thoughts in my universe ego where I saw myself as informed and confident that what I saw was correct, as it was.

Can you see how incredibly thin this was bad? As can be terribly confused? How can the right to be wrong? Fewidea how terrible it can be intoxicating and addictive. Would be some time before I realized that the IT support and me on the seemingly "good" in my head that was not well established. In truth, I was connected to a wicked spirit standing in the place of the saint.

I had no idea then that my motivation and timing of me all wrong, as I do technically correct, what I see and what I say. We thank God for the pain in other aspects of my lifeurged me to meditate, because meditation, I could finally look bad the big lie behind the mighty, but the voice "of the Good" have in me to be free from this slavery terrible addiction.

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