วันพุธที่ 30 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Marijuana addiction treatment - Options when you stop smoking Weed

If you are addicted to marijuana, you probably want to know how to treat marijuana dependence, is not it? Of course you do. I must tell you something. This is probably one of the most important issues for every smoker who is fed up with this habit.

That's why I decided to write this little, short article. I wish you a few ways to try in my experience, in any case that will help you drop the drug as a sample.

Exit> Marijuana Cold Turkey

This is the kind of deprivation is spoken in the movie when they show you how to treat marijuana dependence. What I do is to just kill. Sounds easy, right? Well, it is not. Withdrawal symptoms can be so bad, and you have a lot 'to get ready for a couple of days really suck. Probably will not be able to do something.

If you have access to a good doctor, take the time to talk to him and tell him, honestlyWhat is meant. Doctors are not broken and that will help you as best as possible.


This is another method. You will see that very often when you look around online to try and understand how to treat addiction to cannabis. As the name suggests, is that what is done gradually smoked less and less, until finally, you should not smoke at all. This method is very useful, but be careful because it is very easy, only to justify himselfand the smoke starts, more and more.

In a group

This is great. What you do, there is a group of people at the end with you. Then support and push each other until they are all clean. If you have a group like the only sure that you are a friend who can be found nearby. If you do this, it becomes much easier to be successful for you. The difficult part of these groups is the finding of a real group, always at the meetings and trust in other membersWe respect your privacy.

By Yourself

This is what many people. In the long run, you are alone, and finally you have your last train. All they need to make my own, cold turkey at some point. There are resources to help you!

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วันอังคารที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Physical Marijuana Addiction

With an addiction means that you try the drug compulsively, though with strong negative consequences of addiction leads to you to use. These include, in any case, marijuana. The physical dependence is a strong psychological dependence on marijuana marijuana make it very difficult to put an end to many people in contact.

It is sometimes argued that marijuana has only a psychological dependence and users mustonly with the willpower to quit weed. It is also believed for many years, are, in fact, until now, many doctors and even drug addiction treatment centers do not treat people with an addiction to marijuana. This trend will change slowly over time, such as increasing the effectiveness of marijuana and more clearly the symptoms come to light.

He has only recently this trend has changed. In recent years, scientists have discovered that weeds in depth, has withdrawal symptoms, that marijuana is a very real physical addiction. This physical dependence through the appearance of physical symptoms when the drug was removed from the term severe or long-user success.

Some of these symptoms are headache, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and give a clear need for marijuana, but a few. The problem with these symptoms is that they can take a long time to disappear completely.

The reason for this is that > The marijuana has a tendency to deposit fat cells of the body. You can do this only for a couple of days for a single user, all the way up to several months of long-stay chronic marijuana smokers.

These long-term users develop a strong tolerance to the drug. This is still a little-known danger in the community to smoke weed. The higher the tolerance, marijuana is no need to get the same result. This increases your body> Addiction Marijuana and leads to increased intake of smoke grass. In turn, this will do more damage, the spirit of the lungs and entire respiratory tract.

Of course, it is no secret to users of a weed is physically addictive long time, or that is bad for you. Many people try to quit, more than ever. Unfortunately, many people and not go back, smoking. This is a big part of their lives as they are often overwhelmed by unpleasant feelings such as fear,Anxiety, irritability, poor concentration, depression, low energy, problems of hunger and sleep disorders to name a few.

If you want to stop weeds and you have problems, you have to do is that of the negative effects of marijuana abuse decreased. There are products of detoxification weeds that you end up with less stress to help. Marijuana is addictive, but not impossible, to use a drug.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Understanding Addiction

People do not start with the drugs with the intention of becoming dependent. Addiction is an insidious enemy that rages on a user before he or she knows. Abusers had no intention to deliberately destroy their lives. All I wanted was a bit 'of fun to get away a little effort, you feel a little' more normal.

But drug addiction is a very real consequences of drug use. For many, drugs seem like a means of preventing emotional and / or physical pain by the userwith a temporary and illusionary escape from or way to deal with the reality of life to be.

For example, an individual tries drugs or alcohol. The drugs APPEAR to solve his problem. Feels better. Because it seems more able to cope with life, the drugs are valuable to him. The person looks on drugs or alcohol as a cure for unwanted feelings. The analgesic effect of drugs or alcohol to a solution to their grievances.

Inadvertently the drug or alcohol is important becauseit helped them feel better. This press release is the main reason a person drugs or drinks a second or third repeated. It 'only a matter of time before he is completely dependent and lose the ability to control his drug use. Drug addiction, then release the results from excessive or continued use of physiologically habit-forming drugs in an attempt to underlying symptoms of discomfort or l 'unhappiness.

When a person suffers from addiction, are not able to controltheir impulses to take drugs. They know that drugs are bad on their behalf and in their hearts, who want to quit, but the time dependence has taken control, it is virtually impossible for them to do so. Their bodies have pledged to drugs and going without it is a painful proposition.

Drugs can do a double-edged sword. People are starting to drugs to escape from daily pressures and a sense of guilt, but then they are mentally stressed because of their ethicsBehavior and the only way they know to avoid these feelings is to take more drugs. It 'a vicious cycle.

Drug addiction has kept nearly 35 percent of the American people to do, and this number is growing. With effective treatment, recovery from addiction is possible, but requires commitment and effort. A person does not become dependent on drugs during the night, and not too much medicine is not today, not tomorrow. The good news is that only a drug-free lifearound the corner - if you go looking for it!

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 27 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to quit marijuana

Many people who have decided they want to stop marijuana no idea where to start. This article describes some simple steps you can take to begin to leave the trip marijuana. Take the first step and a time to finish, then write it!

Set a date to Quit Smoking Weed.

In order to establish a date of closing, yes, you can be mentally and physically ready to stop smoking marijuana. End date should be a current date. Itshould not be performed when the stock from, or about one week before the start of school next semester or next month. It 'important to nail the day. In my personal experience, I learned first was a date that I would stop to stop, I mean to smoke as soon as possible to stow away. I did it because I am convinced that each bag was my last bag. When you run your pocket, I would buy another and only smoke quickly convinced me that the last bag. Does that soundDoes this sound familiar? I advise you to close the day within a month after the current date. If you wait longer, is less likely to follow through with your goal. It 'a great idea for starting your date of closing just before a holiday, or other important events. Stop marijuana is change your lifestyle. If you change as an attachment to a different lifestyle, they have the greatest chance of success.

I understand your addiction.

Marijuana is an addictivecontroversial issue because people do not distinguish between physical dependence and psychic dependence. While the physical symptoms of marijuana withdrawal, similar to cigarettes has been, is the psychological aspect of addiction, but most users with the struggle. Long - smoking marijuana long term are in the habit of smoking pot every day and are used in an environment stoned. Even if you do not have a physical need to have marijuana, it is necessarya psychological need to get high. that the difficult thing is everything. Not that you are addicted to marijuana, is that you become dependent, mentally high. the more you smoke, the more our brain gets used to high, and longer for us that state of mind. He will go through a spiritual battle, if you stop smoking weed. You need to prepare for battle.

Get Rid of Your Gear

Marijuana smokers have a lot of great gadgets. You might want to give everyoneTheir stocks of friends, or you can throw away or break them as a symbol of your determination to quit smoking weed. What ever do, clean up the environment so that there is no trace of cannabis or marijuana related equipment. Cravings are easier to resist if there is nothing in front of you. People are stoned, something strange to do, including the resin pipe smoke, the review of the cushion for crumbs of weeds and cockroaches, or through the ditchTo find trash, they threw away the last shreds. "I admit that I have done all these things in the past.

Get ready for collection.

Not ready for the withdrawal of marijuana is the number one reason that people do not quit the habit. When you set a date is over, is already ahead of the game, because you know when you will resign, and be ready. Anxiety is most often in the early stages of withdrawal. For example,probably due to a time when you just run out of pot and intend to do more, but it did not work was. You are on edge and nervous, until we can secure a new offer or at least "Get Stoned. Multiply this 10 times, you have an idea of what may fear, as if you're not willing to give up smoking. Disorders sleep and loss of appetite are often left in the first week. picking up speed, it will be like to retire, then mentally prepared to dealIf these problems occur after you quit smoking weed.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 25 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A new type of addiction

Imagine waking up one morning and realizing your prescription for Percocet has just expired, but instead of feeling the typical relief in finishing a prescription, this time we want more. Next are the desires to be thin, but we make nothing from them since, pull in the direction of a Percocet addiction.

What is Percocet?

Percocet is designated part of a wider group of drugs such as opiates. These opioids are known as synthetic opiates, becauseThey are originally from the poppy plant, is derived from the plant come from all opiates. Percocet is a combination of oxycodone and acetaminophen, and although not as powerful as counterparts like Oxycontin, it is as insidious. Opioids are usually used to relieve pain, usually after trauma or surgery, but for addicts, is the sense of euphoric joy of opiates such as Percocet give them that are the basis for their addiction.

Even more worryingPercocet Addiction education after a prescription is not required to develop using individuals. Percocet use of individuals is not in use for medical purposes literally exploded in recent years. It is estimated that the share of prescription drug abuse has doubled in the last 10 years.

Signs of Percocet Addiction

Percocet Addiction tends to be private, so is the early signs are not apparent to the casual observer, andmay not be clear for the addict. Most health professionals know Percocet Addiction argue that a person is employed by Percocet addiction can be 2 or 3 weeks. When the user has the feeling that he or she needs more than the usual dose to produce an effect then the user has increased the tolerance for Percocet. Tolerance for all drugs lays the basis for addiction, because the user thinks that more of the substance necessary to ensurehigh.

As a general rule, that drug users show signs of addiction Percocet addiction other prescription shared. These characters are taking the drug outside the medical application. This is usually done to reduce stress, usually after a stressful day. Another sign of Percocet addiction is a rapid increase in the quantity of pills, the user is located. This may be the speed with which the user completed the prescribed Percocet to be seen. If the Percocet is completed more quickly than expected,This is a strong indication that the user has built up a tolerance to the drug and need more to produce the desired effect. In order to further ensure Percocet with other doctors, you will find a constant supply of food. This behavior is called "doctor shopping". Some addicts will also be forged prescriptions written in close proximity to generate an endless supply of Percocet. Of course, the clearest sign irritability when the user or a drug Percocet without a prescription.

EndingTrap Percocet

Like any other drug to end an addiction to Percocet is not easy. Prescription drugs are not even catch the user knowledge. This fact alone makes it difficult to force to stop before it's too late, but with the support of a drug addict and can break their addiction to Percocet. Many employees within the same type of treatment, such as medical treatment, psychological and nutritional. By Percocet, as with all opioids, there is a new drug available.Suboxone is a partial opioid agonist, which helps the addict through the withdrawal period.

No matter what the treatment, the most important aspect of Percocet addiction is the knowledge of the drug and is addictive effect, and attributes.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

How to stop smoking marijuana - simple steps you can stop smoking marijuana today are using

Marijuana is a drug commonly used extensively in both North and South America and Europe. While it is generally governed by the law against it is probably the most used "illegal drugs" in the Western world (in addition to lower consumption of alcohol.)

Many people are concerned, such as marijuana, get as close as marijuana.

Most people who have experimented with drugs, the report that they used marijuana, as seen by many as a relatively harmless drug forat least if, like heroin, crack, speed and LSD respect.

There are a number of controversies that surround this natural psychotropic substances:

It is addictive, and if so, how is addiction?

In contrast to nicotine, cocaine, crack cocaine, and caffeine, in which chemical dependency can be achieved with very low exposure to chemical active substances, drugs and treatment, most organizations marijuana list at the top ten to twenty lists of dependenceMatter.

The battle for ownership of marijuana dependence of anger among opponents and supporters of this drug. The majority agreed that addiction results from an acquired dependence on chemical changes in the brains of marijuana as a physical addiction for all chemicals in the plant generates.

Those who were against the classification of this site dependence of the drug that many people have left a few problems, even after years of heavyuse.

However, since many people who want to stop marijuana need help to understand how close is to realize that marijuana, like alcohol, marijuana can lead to addiction in at least some people.

What are the symptoms of abuse and dependence on marijuana?

As alcohol, marijuana is a drug used to relax euphoric high, used in the manufacture of the user. Users describe a wide range of emotional reactions, including:

Peaceand a feeling of wellbeing.
Relaxation and relief from stress and tension.
Dizziness and happiness.

All very nice, but like any artificial emotional state, it is a price.

When the maintenance of activity, there is to bring the resulting crash. Although not called upon to carry the baggage of the alcohol hangover, the feeling of emptiness after the subsequent use of marijuana is one reason for wanting to be a lot of stop smoking.

While under the influencemarijuana, your sentence, and the reactions are impaired, as well as the ability to make rational decisions.

And (e) it can be argued that the occasional use of marijuana does not cause more harm than social drinking, this drug has a significant impact on many areas of the brain that control language, memory and cognition. In the long term can also produce symptoms:

The loss of ambition and focus.
Difficulty remembering facts and events clearly.
Emotional issues, including depression.
Anxiety and paranoia.
Obsession and compulsive need for drugs.

The point is to get people to where they want to give up. Your life is not what you want it to be, and the use of marijuana is one of the reasons why. They want to know how to stop smoking marijuana.

Fortunately, because marijuana is not physically addictive compounds such as nicotine and caffeine, do not go Direct physical symptoms.

However, the effects of addiction are still an obstacle difficult to tackle.

Once you have left, the centers of the brain that can alter the mood of the elements of transformation of marijuana with a chemical modification of their usually answers. This can create anxiety, obsessive thoughts about marijuana and continue a strong desire for your custom.

This can be difficult but not impossible.

Some tips to help you quit> Marijuana:

First, admit that you have an addiction. This first step is for all programs to change behavior. People with alcohol, gambling, eating and shopping had to admit to all the questions, at least for themselves, who have a problem. Without this first step can the rest of the plan will almost certainly not.
Giving someone who has an addiction. One is described as the only rational animal, but often it is more accurate to say that it is a"Rationalization of animals." Our high-gain adaptive nature, which allowed us, and prosper in an environment hostile and uncooperative can also work against us, makes us think that what is bad for us is not that bad.
Keeping your weight with a trusted person, you regular doses of "reality checks" that can remember why you wanted the first place.
Change your lifestyle. Recovering alcoholics stop going to the bar, he would stop problem gamblers Vegasand you have places (and humans) can be avoided with the risks of marijuana.
Get some exercise. And not only to improve your general health will consume during the day, which could otherwise be spent with marijuana. In addition, it produces its exercise of chemical changes in the brain and body to replace the ones you can lose. It also reduces the weight that has helped the use of marijuana in the first place.
Get Involved. Keep your mind;active. Reading, writing, classes, expand your horizons.
Keep a diary. Accept your feelings, because I quit smoking and what you want when you're done. Reread the input jack in each step on its determination.
If you base a belief or attitude of mind, not ignored. Many of the companies to change their negative behavior to consider the help of a higher power or the spiritual aspect of your being indispensable, dedicated to the ultimate success.

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วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pot addiction is really a big problem?

Unlike alcohol, marijuana is the drug most important, especially ways to open other dependencies. Analysts believe that marijuana a gateway drug. Many drug, honestly, if analysis of their past, to consider the situation when the first experiments led to marijuana harmful drugs such as cocaine, heroin and other hard-core drug addiction.

But what about the "pot-head", the person who has never used or made use of other hardcore drugs, rarelyDrink or not at all, but only smokes pot every day or every other day? Does this sound like you? Maybe you have done better in your life and very few negative side was affected. Perhaps you've never lost a job, because your use. Perhaps you've never been arrested for drugs and perhaps never really in trouble with the law ever. You simply want to enjoy a joint or two days after a hard day's work. You deserve it. Some people who drink, but smoke weed. Where is the damageright?

As with any other addiction, these are some of the reasons why many addicts are used to minimize the sad reality that this is a serious problem. Have you ever apologized to the above, or those like them? If you smoke pot, it is sometimes difficult to keep track of time? Have you noticed a change in the short-term memory? What is the performance of tasks that require concentration, like driving, go swimming, sports, read and write? Or do you mean thatthese things "better" under the influence of marijuana? Ever paranoid? Have you ever been so high that hallucinations or visions of things not really exist?

Marijuana can cause dependence, if not unfavorable to many destinations. It is illegal, and always with a broken vase, or under the influence, you can send to prison, and then mark as a convicted felon for the rest of your life. You can lower the The body's ability to fight this disease. The levels of tar than marijuana, cigarettes, and prolonged use can cause lung cancer. You may have already experienced unreliable and irresponsible behavior are associated with the use of pot. You may have learning problems and to make wise choices. You can feel that you have lost a bit 'of the grounds of physical and mental, for which it should be. Perhaps taking drugs is not only working for you, how they are used, but simply do not know how to stop.

> Marijuana is one of the few drugs that the road remain in the body for a long time. A 28-day treatment program will help to distribute the drug from your system and gives you a way to free your head. Assuming a constant state of mind fog, a light that will not happen overnight, but as the drug leaves the system, you will feel better to see and better coordinated, and once again the ability to be, you were one.

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วันอังคารที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

College Culture - the path dependency

Most of the children are sucked away from home the pressure of belonging, making friends, as well as a popular and political parties, often with the life of the college invited. Learning in college is usually the time when young people on drugs, while the experiments on drug use. As the school also means the parties to drink from left to right, without parents or family members watch the young to remember what is right and wrong. This can lead to drug abuseor under the spell of alcoholism.

There are a lot of addicts, their addiction to drugs and alcohol because of the following situations that are initiated in mainstream schools:

* Pressure Brotherhood - because of the need for the admission of the student to join a fraternity, and then succumb to the pressure of 'organization. It 'a fact that many of the negative and sometimes deadly activities carried out by members of the fraternity. This activity is that it is hazingranging from hundreds of times, lost a blade to be forced to drink gallons of water to do one time or another resulting in the death of one or a few members. Most fraternities also encourage our members to drink and do drugs, and often the result of drug abuse. This also indicates the most important factor in fraternity-related deaths.

* Binge drinking - this activity will never be wanting on the one hand, political parties, in particular fraternity. Some students are forced to drinkLead as not to become part of the cool crowd, more often this activity is to be inflicted on young people with alcohol, and there were also some deaths caused by binge drinking. Most alcoholics admitted as part of ongoing treatment, that their habit of drinking is initiated with a single or a few bottles of alcohol at school parties and that, where are they now: it was a rehabilitation center for alcoholics.

The consumption of alcohol and drugs considered normal activities and at the same timeharmless during the study. The fact that it is taken for granted will be the first to know students and drug addicts who ruined her life. For no one ever dreamed of being an alcoholic or a drug addict.

Education on alcoholism and the prevention of drug abuse should be repeated, from university campuses. College programs for drug prevention must also be a part of the activities of college. I remember that youth is the head of the dependence on the way to school, never admit it and will not seek help, and the Board to ensure that all students are aware of the signs and symptoms of alcoholism and drug abuse. Prevention among drug users need to be reminded students.

Alcohol consumption and patterns of drug intake may also be developed during the studies, which have passed their use after the study primarily from the sense that they are now more open and soon the job. College> Addiction is never harmless. There should be more soon.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Vicodin Pain Killer Addiction

Vicodin is usually prescribed by doctors as a painkiller. When taken as prescribed, Vicodin can promote relaxation and calm the patient, which allows him to fully recover from his condition or injury. Like most of the drugs can lead Vicodin is that some side effects, drowsiness, weak breathing, weakness, unusual tiredness include vomiting, anorexia and constipation. But it can also lead to extreme relaxation and a feeling of euphoria, which makes it one of the most frequently abusedprescription drugs.

Dependence of the drug as Vicodin

Vicodin is both physically and psychologically dependent. Your continued use for several weeks already slight lead to addiction, much more if this dependence should be prosecuted large quantities. Vicodin Addiction is similar to other forms of addiction loud and 'a strong desire to take the drug and can also replace the need food and water. People who become addicted to Vicodin areSlowly the appetite for amounts more to get the desired effect. It ends up taking the drug at increasing doses, despite a regular family, legal or health problems. The dependence can be overwhelming and undeniable, take over your life and you have moments where you can still run, even if you know that the experience is not unreasonable.

Vicodin addiction is likely to cause overdose and the effects of an overdose of the drug can be fatal. Taking a large dose is usuallyleads to an overdose depends on the level of patient tolerance to the drug. Overdose symptoms may include slow breathing, dizziness, vomiting, weakness and confusion to loss of consciousness, extreme fatigue and severe respiratory depression and coma. It can even lead to death. Another danger of abuse and Vicodin, which even paracetamol, long-term abuse of which permanent damage or even liver failure in the system.


The hydrocodone component of Vicodin is highly addictive. Hydrocodone is an opioid so Vicodin addiction symptoms can be very similar to abuse heroin. Similarly to the decision to stop the addiction to take hard physical symptoms such as bone and muscle pain, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, involuntary leg movements, diarrhea, loss of appetite, irritability, nausea, sweating, chills and cold flashes . The symptoms of withdrawal depends on the degree of> Addiction and may grow stronger for the first 24 to 48 hours. But usually decreases gradually over the next few weeks, and these symptoms are bearable and not fatal.

Vicodin addiction can change your life in the worst way, but it does not mean that there is hope. But like all addictions, Vicodin addiction is difficult, alone. Would have the treatment, counseling and support groups need help. Http: / / www.mypainkilleraddictions.com Visitknow the treatment options available that are just right for you.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

An accurate portrayal of addiction

There are many myths associated with drug addiction, including two that addiction is easy to see and may reverse if the person goes only for rehabilitation. Those who were close to an addict, but we know both of these assumptions are far from the truth. Many have their own fixed ideas about the mentality of an addict, and the role of the family permits, but if put in this situation, it is difficult to understand the complex disease that infects everyNearby.

If you've ever become addicted in the vicinity was a time, you already have a very precise reality of addiction. But if not, then take a moment to imagine your loved ones - is a person who is already in your area years . But developed over time, you notice a change. Can not be determined, but you know it's a shift in attitude has been. He or she has begun to lie to you as a professional. So get your valuables are missing. Want to believeyou're imagining things, but everything is too obvious. As you begin to review how quickly the change has occurred, all you can ask yourself is why did this happen?

It happened because drug addiction is an unpredictable ailment, sneaking up on all parties involved before they've realized it. Many families inadvertently enable the functioning addicts, completely oblivious to the subtle differences in their behavior. And most times, it's not until the addiction worsens that drastically change their behavior because the drug has become more important than his personal life and relationships.

Unfortunately, most have been banned from the moment when the addict "- especially if the addict is a close relative of a significant other - the emotional investment of the family is already too deep simply let go, which means he will do all to "fix" the problem and put the pieces together. It is then that the family provides the addict in a rehabilitation program, notUnderstanding that was to circumvent the impossibility of identifying the problems of life, the cause of addiction, not the drug itself As a result, many addicts go to rehab, they are weaned from the drug, and fell back into society is essentially the same problems. And even if the drug looks better in front of the family, he or she still has a long struggle.

With all these factors take into consideration, so clearly, that drug addiction is not easy, supported by a simpleRehabilitation Program. This is a complex problem that tons of research, serious and understanding counselor and a high degree of patience, compassion and strength, because this is not a solution "and go forward" calls problem. In fact, the emotional and financial investment, dependence may be one years or even decades.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Pain Killer Addiction - Heal Yourself Now - You Can Do It!

If you are physically dependent on drugs, all, like painkillers or alcohol, etc., it is because you have suppressed or you can take your body to produce endorphins, natural opiates, painkillers, and if this happens, request to start, the drug that replaced the endorphins with whether it is alcohol, a number of other drugs or other painkillers. Many other medicines can interact with opioids and a variety of symptoms, which can be fatal. 'S Painkiller Addiction to arapidly growing phenomenon today, especially the abuse of opioid analgesics.

Less frequent adverse reactions and side effects of pain killers are: confusion, hallucinations, delirium, hives, itching, hypothermia, bradycardia () slow heart beat, tachycardia (palpitations), increased intracranial pressure, ureter or biliary spasm, muscle rigidity and flushing of Heat to name a few. Patients can innocently start taking pain killers, for example, after an accident or due to a moderateserious injuries in a car accident, fall or for post-operative pain. It started more than ten percent of graduates of secondary schools to cope with Vicodin for reasons other than pain relief with things.

Opioids should never be taken when drinking alcohol, some people (not yet clear, it is) also a drug or alcohol is still present in the system. There are a number of options for effective treatment for opiate dependence on prescription painkillers to treat and helpManagement of severe withdrawal symptoms that sometimes can accompany sudden stopping of pain killers or other drugs. Treatment options for pain killer addiction include: medications such as methadone and LAAM (levo-alpha-acetyl-methadol), behavioral and counseling, usually the patient is detoxified before any medical treatment or counseling intervention began.

Often people addicted to pain killers are plagued with various symptoms to varying degrees, many times notsymptoms are associated with the drug. Opiates, when the doctor has prescribed are supposedly not dangerous according to the medical teams continues, but if this is the case, why are so many people depending on them? There is a difference: an opioid-patient, the pain did not improve the function depends on the use of the drug while an opioid-addicted patients have improved.

There are many side effects and adverse reactions that may occur with the use of opioidsUse as a painkiller. Over 415,000 people received treatment for painkiller abuse or dependence in the past year. Chronic pain affects one in three or more adults and millions of people suffer from severe disabling pain.

Many insurance plans cover hospital detoxification, plan to check if you have insurance. It 'important to go through rehab following your detox stay, make it a big part of the action plan. Spending time in a treatment center, detoxing, is ofthe highest priority. Start now.

If you do not have insurance, contact your local mental health agencies to see what is available, for free. There are many free programs to help people with addictive painkiller. Check with your local medical staff and agencies, which are the closest and best pain killer addiction treatment centers. It is important to get help and not try to quit on their own pain medication.

Even if you think you have an addictionThinking of painkillers detoxified as soon as possible, you can do it, thousands of people before you and live a wonderful life. The efforts of doctors and other health professionals, the abuse of pain medications should be reduced, which cause serious problems for patients, the drugs legally. What people should do, and patients with chronic pain problems or circumstances to avoid the possibility of addiction is an issue that burns in progress if there is no other way out for theirPain.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Prescription Drug Addiction Caught us by surprise - Do not Let The Same Thing happens with morphine

Purdue Pharma, the famous manufacturer of Oxycontin, told the public in 2001 and for several years was lower than the risks of abuse and addiction Oxycontin prescribing of other painkillers. The drug has conquered the country by storm, but unfortunately, users of the drug has done the same with hospital-ERS, drug detox and rehabilitation centers and morgues. Purdue lie, some people have died and many had ruined her life. Oxycontin Addiction and abuse became almost epidemic andPurdue to a fine of 634.5 million U.S. dollars this year for their misdeeds. Alpharma now is to develop a synthetic morphine capsule hope to keep the promise of Oxycontin. But the amount of abuse and dependence problem will be really?

The story behind the claims that the Purdue Oxycontin addiction and abuse is less likely than other opioid analgesics on the time-release drug formulation is based. In fact, the FDA has allowed Purdue Pharma to state that the timeIssue of a narcotic, such as Oxycontin "is believed to reduce" the potential to be abused. But Purdue sales representatives, with the approval of Purdue took several additional measures - to reduce doctors said that "believing" is not just theory and according to federal officials, also recalled its scientific fake cards and distributes them to doctors to supporting the claim.

There are two basic problems with their demands: first, the dependence on Oxycontin, or at leastThe dependence is that if you experience even for a relatively short period, and even if they are so direct. The Time-release has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Secondly, if you dissolve, crush, or chew the pill is the Time-release of the window and you will receive the full 12-dose now provides at once. This point has been the largest deviation from the truth in hearings Purdue, and the problem Alpharma hopes to solve their newMorphine pill. Here's how it works - in theory.

The new pill is a capsule of morphine, with 100-200 small balls. Each tablet contains a core of naltrexone - a drug that inhibits morphine-induced euphoria. If the capsule is taken intact, remains the core of naltrexone inactive, but when crushed, chewed, or complement the dissolution of naltrexone with morphine.

The logic behind this is that someone who is 'with' the drug as directed, the capsule would be kept intact andPain relief they are seeking, and someone who "abuse" of drugs would crush chew or dissolve in order to obtain morphine euphoria. However, when naltrexone increases the euphoria, "guilty" is not interested in drugs.

And, of course, reduce this abuse and dependence.

How solid is this topic? Let me count the holes.

First, each of morphine and naltrexone metabolized differently from their DNA, and a number of other complexes discussedFactors. The amount of naltrexone in each pill can prove to be too much or too little. Too little, this did not alter the morphine euphoria, and may cause withdrawal too. And you never know how each person who responds.

Secondly, I can almost guarantee in this way, all those who have enough to chew for crushing and dissolving a pill is already addicted. Thus, even if the person is not out of the use of this particular formulation of morphine discouraged, it will not stop orDependency or to prevent abuse.

Third, there is no need to crush chew or dissolve opioid analgesics, which they expire. And there is no need to chew crushed, or dissolved to abuse them.

I do not know how many of the 30,000 people who walked the ERS, the drug detox and rehabilitation centers and morgues in the first years after the release Oxycontin chewed, crushed or dissolved before the pills, but I know there are many people out there would not even thinkto make the development of another Oxycontin addiction or dependence. I also know that as a direct or not, the release time or not, are naltrexone core or not, if people get up and down, in accordance with this new drug.

Really changed the way of a pill will not change morphine, Percocet addiction, addiction Oxycontin addiction or other major opioid painkillers. They are highly addictive, and create physicalDependence. Period.

What you can do is this drug only when absolutely necessary, take only as directed, so that from any other use of the range, even when you hold the bottle on your person at all times, and take them as soon as possible. If you have problems with them, a good drug detox program can help, in a safe and comfortable as possible. Whatever you do, do not buy the hype.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Drug Addiction Treatment Center, you can keep your loved ones from jail

If you have someone who knows who takes drugs entry into criminal activities are concerned, you have every reason to do so. The number of people in prison for drug offenses or crimes shows how many people actually take drugs and participated in the crime - often just to sustain their habits. The prison population is a heavy financial burden that the laws are starting to melt. And thanks to some crimes tribunal now enter into a drug addictionTreatment center instead of prison.

Lighten the law is necessary in every case. A recent article in Mother Jones magazine, the chronicle of some of the legal changes in the last 20 years and their impact on the prison population.

In 1986, for example, the Anti-Drug Abuse Act, the rate for the sale or possession of crack cocaine 100 times more serious for cocaine powder. The prison population doubled in the next ten years.

Two years later, the bus wasAnti-Drug Abuse Act provides that anyone would be loosely related to the sale or possession of certain quantities of crack cocaine and sentenced to five years has received. In other words, if you live with someone who was five grams of crack on the site, even if they do nothing with you, could be imprisoned for five years. In six years, under the present law, quadrupled the number of people in prison for drug offenses. And the authors are not yet on the possibility of drugTreatment Center. This was not started by another ten or twelve years.

In 1994, the three strikes law was passed in California making the penalty for a third criminal conviction 25 years of life. According to Mother Jones, such an offense was a homeless man, who tries to take food from a church. Within a year or so, was the three strikes law in 24 states.

These laws, and there are many others, are a large part of the basic one in ten Americans is now in jail.

How many of those whoPeople would be better off in a drug treatment center, and if these are just the people who participated, as many people out there who need a center for addiction treatment and are likely to end up in jail instead?

Some prisoners have been released. Some are always the treatment of rehabilitation they need. Things change. But if you change the drug laws can generate this kind of effect, it is clear that we have a lot more money to spend on drugsAddiction treatment centers, if we want to give less money on prisons, justice and police.

Investing in quality, could successfully treat drug addiction centers have a strong impact on our economy stalled. This would also drug addiction and crime - we can make billions, in addition to legal fees and prison system - and we were a lot of life in the process rather than with drug users to save and convertare also criminals.

Is someone you know that you are taking drugs for a criminal? Absolutely. Them first in an addiction treatment what is happening. You need drug treatment, not prison.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 12 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

A Marijuana Addiction Overview - Short & Long Term Effects

In the long term effects

The use of marijuana affects many parts of the body. Because it is inhaled, affecting not only the mouth but also the neck, lungs, heart, kidneys and reproductive organs among others. Smoke inhalation can cause lung cancer even more than cigarettes. The reason is the concentration of carcinogenic hydrocarbons than doubled the cigarette. Other problems, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, and were also related to the use of marijuana. TheSmoking places even more pressure on the heart and if there is a history of heart problems or high blood pressure, can be a lethal combination. It can also be used to inhibit sperm production in males and ovulation in women, therefore, affect the reproductive organs.

In the short term effects

In the short term effects of marijuana are what is generally considered high, people in various ways well-known effect. The disadvantage is that there are negativeEffects may accompany this high. These effects are common: paranoia, memory loss, disorientation, anxiety, panic attacks, loss of coordination and, in extreme cases, psychosis. That is not for everyone, but too much medication can cause these problems and some people are more prone to risk than others.

Marijuana is a dangerous drug, and evil, while many people believe that occasional use is not a drug, no longer. AlthoughMarijuana is not a strong physical addiction, as some other drugs, can still be very engaging. In fact, many experts believe that emotional or psychological addiction as powerful as physical addiction.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 10 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

marijuana addiction

Marijuana addiction has clear signs and indicators and this page will discuss this in depth. Marijuana addiction is simply an uncontrollable urge to possess and use the drug. Those with marijuana addiction are not able to stop using the drug even if they wish. Often a person with marijuana addiction will make continuous excuses about why now is not a good time to stop using the drug. Such people are not alone. Marijuana addiction is a disease that affects millions of people every year.

There is a good reason why admission to rehabilitation facilities has doubled for marijuana addiction. The potency of the drug continues to get more powerful and studies show that teens can get a hold of marijuana often easier than alcohol. Even those who seek treatment for drugs that are perceived has "harder" like heroin or cocaine will often acknowledge that marijuana is their primary drug of choice.

Marijuana addiction has the same characteristics as any other addiction to other drugs including alcohol, tobacco or even caffeine. The frequent obsession with the drug, thinking about it all the time, where to get it, when to get it, is there enough, is it good enough, will I have the money for more are frequently asked questions. Another trait of marijuana addiction is the physical craving that comes when the body adapts to the drug and begins to develop a tolerance to it. Anyone who has been smoking marijuana for awhile can tell that they must smoke more now to feel the same effect that just a few hits used to produce. It's not about the quality of the weed, it's the bodies defense mechanism as it readjusts to keep balance with the frequent supply of new chemicals being delivered by the pot.

Consequences of marijuana addiction start to take toll when the user continues to use marijuana even in the event of health or social consequences. Memory and learning problems may be causing problems at work or even result in losing a job because of high absenteeism. Increasing isolation from friends and family often puts heavy strain on relationships with loved ones. There is a vicious cycle to marijuana addiction in which these problems are often used as a rational to smoke even more pot. A trap that many fall into is that the drug that is causing the problem becomes the solution to the problem it caused.

There is help however; Spencer Recovery Centers has been helping people get off of marijuana for over 10 years. The specialized combination of medical treatment and behavioral therapy has proven to be very effective for marijuana rehab. If you or a loved one needs to stop smoking marijuana we hope that you will call us today.

Marijuana addiction must be treated like the disease it is. Let the professionals at Spencer Recovery Centers show you how you can take back your life from the grips of marijuana addiction. Call us today for a confidential consultation. We accept many medical insurance plans and even the call is free.