วันจันทร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Prescription Drug Addiction Caught us by surprise - Do not Let The Same Thing happens with morphine

Purdue Pharma, the famous manufacturer of Oxycontin, told the public in 2001 and for several years was lower than the risks of abuse and addiction Oxycontin prescribing of other painkillers. The drug has conquered the country by storm, but unfortunately, users of the drug has done the same with hospital-ERS, drug detox and rehabilitation centers and morgues. Purdue lie, some people have died and many had ruined her life. Oxycontin Addiction and abuse became almost epidemic andPurdue to a fine of 634.5 million U.S. dollars this year for their misdeeds. Alpharma now is to develop a synthetic morphine capsule hope to keep the promise of Oxycontin. But the amount of abuse and dependence problem will be really?

The story behind the claims that the Purdue Oxycontin addiction and abuse is less likely than other opioid analgesics on the time-release drug formulation is based. In fact, the FDA has allowed Purdue Pharma to state that the timeIssue of a narcotic, such as Oxycontin "is believed to reduce" the potential to be abused. But Purdue sales representatives, with the approval of Purdue took several additional measures - to reduce doctors said that "believing" is not just theory and according to federal officials, also recalled its scientific fake cards and distributes them to doctors to supporting the claim.

There are two basic problems with their demands: first, the dependence on Oxycontin, or at leastThe dependence is that if you experience even for a relatively short period, and even if they are so direct. The Time-release has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Secondly, if you dissolve, crush, or chew the pill is the Time-release of the window and you will receive the full 12-dose now provides at once. This point has been the largest deviation from the truth in hearings Purdue, and the problem Alpharma hopes to solve their newMorphine pill. Here's how it works - in theory.

The new pill is a capsule of morphine, with 100-200 small balls. Each tablet contains a core of naltrexone - a drug that inhibits morphine-induced euphoria. If the capsule is taken intact, remains the core of naltrexone inactive, but when crushed, chewed, or complement the dissolution of naltrexone with morphine.

The logic behind this is that someone who is 'with' the drug as directed, the capsule would be kept intact andPain relief they are seeking, and someone who "abuse" of drugs would crush chew or dissolve in order to obtain morphine euphoria. However, when naltrexone increases the euphoria, "guilty" is not interested in drugs.

And, of course, reduce this abuse and dependence.

How solid is this topic? Let me count the holes.

First, each of morphine and naltrexone metabolized differently from their DNA, and a number of other complexes discussedFactors. The amount of naltrexone in each pill can prove to be too much or too little. Too little, this did not alter the morphine euphoria, and may cause withdrawal too. And you never know how each person who responds.

Secondly, I can almost guarantee in this way, all those who have enough to chew for crushing and dissolving a pill is already addicted. Thus, even if the person is not out of the use of this particular formulation of morphine discouraged, it will not stop orDependency or to prevent abuse.

Third, there is no need to crush chew or dissolve opioid analgesics, which they expire. And there is no need to chew crushed, or dissolved to abuse them.

I do not know how many of the 30,000 people who walked the ERS, the drug detox and rehabilitation centers and morgues in the first years after the release Oxycontin chewed, crushed or dissolved before the pills, but I know there are many people out there would not even thinkto make the development of another Oxycontin addiction or dependence. I also know that as a direct or not, the release time or not, are naltrexone core or not, if people get up and down, in accordance with this new drug.

Really changed the way of a pill will not change morphine, Percocet addiction, addiction Oxycontin addiction or other major opioid painkillers. They are highly addictive, and create physicalDependence. Period.

What you can do is this drug only when absolutely necessary, take only as directed, so that from any other use of the range, even when you hold the bottle on your person at all times, and take them as soon as possible. If you have problems with them, a good drug detox program can help, in a safe and comfortable as possible. Whatever you do, do not buy the hype.

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