วันศุกร์ที่ 18 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Vicodin Pain Killer Addiction

Vicodin is usually prescribed by doctors as a painkiller. When taken as prescribed, Vicodin can promote relaxation and calm the patient, which allows him to fully recover from his condition or injury. Like most of the drugs can lead Vicodin is that some side effects, drowsiness, weak breathing, weakness, unusual tiredness include vomiting, anorexia and constipation. But it can also lead to extreme relaxation and a feeling of euphoria, which makes it one of the most frequently abusedprescription drugs.

Dependence of the drug as Vicodin

Vicodin is both physically and psychologically dependent. Your continued use for several weeks already slight lead to addiction, much more if this dependence should be prosecuted large quantities. Vicodin Addiction is similar to other forms of addiction loud and 'a strong desire to take the drug and can also replace the need food and water. People who become addicted to Vicodin areSlowly the appetite for amounts more to get the desired effect. It ends up taking the drug at increasing doses, despite a regular family, legal or health problems. The dependence can be overwhelming and undeniable, take over your life and you have moments where you can still run, even if you know that the experience is not unreasonable.

Vicodin addiction is likely to cause overdose and the effects of an overdose of the drug can be fatal. Taking a large dose is usuallyleads to an overdose depends on the level of patient tolerance to the drug. Overdose symptoms may include slow breathing, dizziness, vomiting, weakness and confusion to loss of consciousness, extreme fatigue and severe respiratory depression and coma. It can even lead to death. Another danger of abuse and Vicodin, which even paracetamol, long-term abuse of which permanent damage or even liver failure in the system.


The hydrocodone component of Vicodin is highly addictive. Hydrocodone is an opioid so Vicodin addiction symptoms can be very similar to abuse heroin. Similarly to the decision to stop the addiction to take hard physical symptoms such as bone and muscle pain, anxiety, insomnia, vomiting, involuntary leg movements, diarrhea, loss of appetite, irritability, nausea, sweating, chills and cold flashes . The symptoms of withdrawal depends on the degree of> Addiction and may grow stronger for the first 24 to 48 hours. But usually decreases gradually over the next few weeks, and these symptoms are bearable and not fatal.

Vicodin addiction can change your life in the worst way, but it does not mean that there is hope. But like all addictions, Vicodin addiction is difficult, alone. Would have the treatment, counseling and support groups need help. Http: / / www.mypainkilleraddictions.com Visitknow the treatment options available that are just right for you.

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