วันอังคารที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

College Culture - the path dependency

Most of the children are sucked away from home the pressure of belonging, making friends, as well as a popular and political parties, often with the life of the college invited. Learning in college is usually the time when young people on drugs, while the experiments on drug use. As the school also means the parties to drink from left to right, without parents or family members watch the young to remember what is right and wrong. This can lead to drug abuseor under the spell of alcoholism.

There are a lot of addicts, their addiction to drugs and alcohol because of the following situations that are initiated in mainstream schools:

* Pressure Brotherhood - because of the need for the admission of the student to join a fraternity, and then succumb to the pressure of 'organization. It 'a fact that many of the negative and sometimes deadly activities carried out by members of the fraternity. This activity is that it is hazingranging from hundreds of times, lost a blade to be forced to drink gallons of water to do one time or another resulting in the death of one or a few members. Most fraternities also encourage our members to drink and do drugs, and often the result of drug abuse. This also indicates the most important factor in fraternity-related deaths.

* Binge drinking - this activity will never be wanting on the one hand, political parties, in particular fraternity. Some students are forced to drinkLead as not to become part of the cool crowd, more often this activity is to be inflicted on young people with alcohol, and there were also some deaths caused by binge drinking. Most alcoholics admitted as part of ongoing treatment, that their habit of drinking is initiated with a single or a few bottles of alcohol at school parties and that, where are they now: it was a rehabilitation center for alcoholics.

The consumption of alcohol and drugs considered normal activities and at the same timeharmless during the study. The fact that it is taken for granted will be the first to know students and drug addicts who ruined her life. For no one ever dreamed of being an alcoholic or a drug addict.

Education on alcoholism and the prevention of drug abuse should be repeated, from university campuses. College programs for drug prevention must also be a part of the activities of college. I remember that youth is the head of the dependence on the way to school, never admit it and will not seek help, and the Board to ensure that all students are aware of the signs and symptoms of alcoholism and drug abuse. Prevention among drug users need to be reminded students.

Alcohol consumption and patterns of drug intake may also be developed during the studies, which have passed their use after the study primarily from the sense that they are now more open and soon the job. College> Addiction is never harmless. There should be more soon.

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